The production of innovative materials for earmold manufacturing has a long tradition at Dreve. We developed the first Otoform® impression material over 55 years ago. Today, our wide range of materials includes everything needed for the digital and manual production of earmolds: For example, 3D printing resins, thermosensitive materials, earmold silicones and lacquers. We combine many years of practical experience with the latest scientific research and technical know-how, and continue to set new standards. The result: more than 80 patents and trade relations in over 100 countries.


VarioTherm® Plus

Ultimative comfort

This premium material offers an exceptionally natural feel and surpasses the comfort already known from VarioTherm® earmolds. It is supple and soft at body temperature, but firm at room temperature. VarioTherm® Plus also impresses with its significantly improved tear resistance combined with high flexibility.


  • Due to its outstanding properties, the material enables the high-precision production of sophisticated designs, e.g. thin-walled RIC earmolds. In addition, it is particularly suitable for sensitive skin, as it has a lower allergenic potential than acrylates.
  • Excellent surface quality
  • Available in clear and reddish transparent

FotoTec® DLP.A

The specialist for the Digital Light Process

FotoTec® DLP.A is a biocompatible resin with ideal properties for 3D printing. Aligned to the wavelength of the light source, the material is perfect for the rapid production of earmolds and shells. Earmolds made of FotoTec® are uncomplicated to insert into the ear and impress with their color brilliance.


  • Optimized initiator systems
  • Low viscosity for easy cleaning and minimal stripping forces
  • Perfect surface quality

Fancy color styles

  • Brilliant-transparent: With highest UV stability
  • Deep black-opaque: Optimum color opacity & Shake & Go principle simplifies application
  • Neon yellow-transparent: Bright signal color especially for hearing protection

Discover our color range.

beige opaque 1
beige opaque 2
beige opaque 3
deep black opaque
blue transparent
grey transparent
clear transparent
green opaque
brillant transparent
neon yellow transparent
orange transparent
purple transparent
reddish orange transparent
reddish transparent
red transparent
black opaque
white opaque

FotoTec® DLP.flex

Direct2Print: Direct printing for flexible parts.

First flexible material for manufacturing elastic earmolds and RICs on DLP printing systems.

FotoTec® SL.E

The versatile material for earmolds.

FotoTec® SL.E is ideal for manufacturing earmolds for BTE hearing systems, RIC earmolds and shells. The material sets new standards for the Stereolithography Process and the Digital Light Processing Technology.


FotoTec® SL.A

Proven material for the Stereolithography Process.

FotoTec® SL. A is a laser-curing resin for the manufacturing of ITE shells and BTE earmolds on the basis of stereolithography process.



FotoCast® is geared to the production of cast forms for manufacturing soft earmolds. Its low viscosity offers an easy cleaning of the 3D printer. Soft earmolds made from Biopor® AB or Biopor® AB Xtreme can be easily removed from the cast forms:  Same as the lychee principle.


Biopor® AB light

Update: Enhanced for 3D FotoCast® process.

The proven Dreve material for soft earmolds and water protection now has been qualified for the 3D FotoCast® manufacturing process.

  • Addition-vulcanizing silicone for high-quality and durable splash water protection earmolds
  • 1 fits all: Suitable for traditional and automated manufacturing processes
  • Easy finishing and lacquering of the soft earmold
  • Thanks to the material’s reduced weight, Biopor® AB light earmolds are still floatable even when lacquered
  • Thixotropic characteristics for easy processing in 48 ml double cartridges as well as cast shells
  • Absolutely emission-free and physiologically completely harmless
  • Unique color variety
  • Final hardness: 25 Shore A

Perfect match.

Which 3D Dreve material matches to which 3D printer?

Your 3D printer is not listed yet? Talk to us!

HA, HAII und HA+ Series
(Rapid Shape)
Phrozen Sonic XL 4K
SolFlex 350
Ultra series
ProJet 6000, Viper si2
(3D Systems)
FotoTec® DLP.A
FotoTec® DLP.flex
FotoCast® 2
FotoTec® SL.A
FotoTec® SL.E

Perfect finish.

Which lacquer matches which 3D material?

LacquerFotoScreenSoftTouchVarioScreenBiopor® UV-S
FotoTec® DLP.A / oo
FotoTec® DLP.flexoo
FotoTec® SL.E / oo
FotoTec® SL.A / oo
Biopor® AB

•  Automatic
o  Manual



For a safe manufacturing process of medical devices.

  • Nitrogen option to avoid inhibition layer
  • Password protected admin menu for secure data input

Admin rights

  • Defining programs regarding time, intensity and N2 option
  • Reading out log data for monitoring and tracking
  • Updating and calibrating the system

User rights

  • Selecting and starting curing programs
  • Receiving feedback about successful run of program

LED Quick Test

  • Detects most of the common LED failures within seconds
  • Results are logged for traceability

